Cubes English Language Lesson #2

1. Match the verbs to the actions.
play ・ listen to ・ have ・ go ・ do ・ go to ・ watch
__________ football
__________ T.V.
__________ yoga
__________ shopping
__________ the radio
__________ a snack
__________ the gym
2. Ask questions.
Q: Do you (play football)?
A+: Yes I do.
A-: No I don’t.
3. Read the listening script.
What does Ross do in the morning?
4. Fill in the gaps…
100% ____________
80% __USUALLY___
60% ____________
40% ____________
20% ____________
0% _____________
5. Make questions & answers about morning routines.
Q: Do you read a newspaper in the morning?
A: Yes, I sometimes read the newspaper in the morning.
6. Choose the correct sentence.
A: I exercise usually in the morning.
B: I usually exercise in the morning.
7. Make questions & answers about your routine.
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
What do you usually do in the evening?
What do you usually do on the weekend?