Reading Challenge @cubescafe ・英会話

Cubes Cafe 英会話 Reading Challenge

As children we learn to read, and as adults, we read to learn.In today’s world, reading is basic to everyday life.

We read to learn about the news, to learn about rules,

and to learn about how to do things.

We also use reading to learn English.

If you want to learn English more quickly,

lots of reading is important.

The more you read, the more input your brain gets about how the language works.

When you read in English, you can improve your vocabulary,

your grammar, and your writing skills at the same time.

Here at Cubes English Language Cafe

we encourage our students to read books to help them with their English learning.

If you have any questions about which books to read

or you need help in how to read,

please ask one of our friendly teachers.

Here are some photos of books I have read recently.

As you can see I love reading and drinking coffee.

What books do you like reading?

What is your favourite book?

Where do you like to read?

The Cubes Cafe Reading Challenge is to read a book this month and post a photo of you reading it on your facebook or instagram.

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Please leave your comments on our facebook page or instagram feed.

Have a great day everyone.