Halloween Party/Cubes Juniorこども英会話

Cubes Junior こども英会話スクールのハロウィンパーティーへのご参加ありがとうございました🎃
See you soon at Cubes Junior 溝の口
Cubes Junior こども英会話スクールのハロウィンパーティーへのご参加ありがとうございました🎃
See you soon at Cubes Junior 溝の口
Hello!! こんにちは♪
川崎市高津区 溝の口にある、子ども英会話 Cubes Junior校です☆
Halloween Partyを開催します👏🎉
◎10月30日㈰ 10:00〜12:00 @Cubes Junior校
・Junior校に集合したあと、溝の口校までTrick or treat をしながら歩きます♫
ご質問や詳細などありましたらCubes Junior までお問い合わせください。
Hello!! こんにちは!!
川崎市高津区・溝の口にある英会話スクール Cubes溝の口校です。
Monthly Free月3回コース以上のお申込・ご契約で、初月レッスンにプラス1レッスンプレゼント!!!
cubes 英会話 川崎 高津区 溝の口 武蔵溝ノ口駅 大人英会話 キャンペーン実施中
Hello !! こんにちは!
川崎市高津区・溝の口にある、キッズ英会話スクール Cubes Junior校です。
子ども英会話 川崎 溝の口 英会話
Summer vacation is starting soon and kids
will be looking for things to do in the summer.
Why not try a lesson at Mizonokuchi
Cubes Junior English School.
Its only 4 minutes from the station and we have
native English teacher waiting to help you with your
English in a fun and exciting way.
Here at Cubes Junior we teach kids of all ages
from 2 years old to High School.
You can study on your own with our Man to Man (One on One)
plan or you can join a group that is appropriate for your age and level.
So call up today for a free trial lesson at
Cubes Junior Mizonokuchi English School and watch your kids English improve.
Summer vacation will start soon
Children are looking for things to do in the summer.
Why don’t you take a lesson at Mizoguchi Cube Junior English School?
Only 4 minutes from the station,
A native English teacher will help you improve your English in a fun and exciting way.
Here at CubesJunior, we teach children of all ages from 2 years old to high school.
You can study on your own with the Man to Man (One on One) plan or join a group that is appropriate for your age and level.
So call for a free trial lesson today at Cubes Junior Mizonokuchi Kids English Conversation and watch your kids improve their English.
Good morning. This is Ross from Cubes.
I first came to Japan 21 years ago and worked for Nova in Azamino.
After working there for 2 years I moved to London to become a high school science teacher.
That was a lot of fun and London is a very exciting city,
but I missed Japan so I came back to Japan in 2006 to open Cubes.
I have been working at Cubes for 15 years and it’s a lot of fun meeting all the different students every day.
On my days off, I enjoy cooking and doing D.I.Y and I also like running, watching movies and reading books.
My advice for people who want to improve their English is to read as much as you can.
Coming to Cubes and talking to native English speakers is the number one thing you can do to learn English,
but when you are at home in between lessons, the best thing to improve your vocabulary,
grammar and making English sentences is to read. Books, magazines, internet articles,
anything is okay to read as long as you read.
I hope to see you soon at Cubes, have a great day.
Good morning. キューブス英会話のRossです。
Have a great day.
溝の口 英会話
英会話 溝の口
溝の口 英語
川崎 英会話
川崎 英語
英会話 カフェ
英会話 cafe
english カフェ
子供 英会話 溝の口
溝の口 子供 英会話
英会話 気軽
川崎 英会話 サークル
junior 英語
英語 本場
キューブ 英語
カフェ 英会話 レッスン
英会話 レッスン カフェ
英語 レッスン カフェ
英会話 カフェ レッスン
英語 カフェ レッスン
eikaiwa cafe
英会話 マンツーマン カフェ
英語 電話 レッスン
t cubes
go cubes
宮崎台 英会話
鷺沼 英会話
english cafe
宮前平 英会話
英語 会話 教室
英会話 近く
心細い 英語
英会話 料金
英語 川崎
英会話 川崎
英会話 値段
We asked Zach the question..
“What have you been up to recently?”
Last Wednesday was a sunny day so I spontaneously
decided to go to Kamakura and Enoshima.
I had heard about a station (Katase Enoshima)
built to look like the ‘Ryugujo’ dragon palace
from the folk tale “Urashima Taro”.
I took my copy of the book and headed to the station.
It was much bigger than I expected and fit in with the
seaside atmosphere of the area well. I felt like any moment
I might find a turtle who would take me to the real dragon palace.
I also headed to the beach (it’s still to cold to swim, though!)
and the caves in Enoshima to search for a real dragon!
It was a great day and I can’t wait to go back.
Hopefully next time it’ll be warm enough to swim.
Let us know if you have been anywhere nice recently.
溝の口 英会話
英会話 溝の口
溝の口 英語
川崎 英会話
川崎 英語
英会話 カフェ
英会話 cafe
english カフェ
子供 英会話 溝の口
溝の口 子供 英会話
英会話 気軽
川崎 英会話 サークル
junior 英語
英語 本場
キューブ 英語
カフェ 英会話 レッスン
英会話 レッスン カフェ
英語 レッスン カフェ
英会話 カフェ レッスン
英語 カフェ レッスン
eikaiwa cafe
英会話 マンツーマン カフェ
英語 電話 レッスン
t cubes
go cubes
宮崎台 英会話
鷺沼 英会話
english cafe
宮前平 英会話
英語 会話 教室
英会話 近く
心細い 英語
英会話 料金
英語 川崎
英会話 川崎
英会話 値段
Boom! Welcome to Boom English,
one minute English lessons from Cubes Cafe.
My name is Ross, for the full transcript, click the link below.
What’s the difference between “can” and “don’t have to”?
Can is when we are talking about things we can do, if you want to.
For example, you can eat and drink in the cinema if you want to.
Or I can go for as run tonight if I feel like it.
Don’t have to is used when we don’t have to do something if we don’t have to.
For example, you don’t have to buy me a birthday present if you don’t want to.
Or, I don’t have to cook tonight, I can order pizza instead.
What can you do this weekend if you don’t have to work?
Comments below please.
Don’t have to.
Thank you.
Welcome to Boom English, one minute English lessons from Cubes Cafe.
My name is Ross, for the full transcript, click the link below.
What’s the difference between “come” and “go”?
Come is when you move towards the speaker.
For example, come here, come to my house, come to Cubes.
Go is when you move away from the speaker.
For example, go to Disneyland, go home, go away!
Where are you going this weekend?
If you don’t have any plans, come to my house for a BBQ.
Merry Christmas everybody.
Write where you are going in the comments below.
Thank you.
Boom, hello and welcome to Boom English,
one minute English lessons from Cubes Cafe.
My name is Ross.
For the full transcript click the link below.
What’s the difference between the first conditional and the second conditional?
First conditional is used when we are talking about real, possible situations.
For example, if it rains, I will get wet. Or I will watch a movie tonight if I finish my work in time.
We use “if” and “will” with the first conditional.
Second conditional is used when we are talking about unreal, impossible situations.
For example, if I were a bird I would fly to Okinawa.
Or I would buy a Ferrari if I won the lottery.
We use “if” and “would” with the second conditional.
If you won the lottery, what would you buy?
Comments below please.
First conditional.
Second conditional.
Thank you bye.
Boom, hello and welcome to Boom English, one minute English lessons from Cubes Cafe. My name is Ross. For the full transcript click the link below. What’s the difference between going to and will? Going to is used when we are talking about a plan we have already made. For example, tomorrow I am going to Disneyland. I have already bought my tickets and I am going to meet my friends at 9.00 in front of the gates. I can’t wait. Will is used when we don’t have a plan but we decide now to do something. For example, what can I have for dinner? Hmm. I know! I will order pizza and I will watch a movie. Do you have any plans for this weekend or will you decide to do something when you wake up on Saturday morning? Write your plans in the comments below. Going to. Will. Thank you bye.
Cubes English Language Lesson #4